Workspace Management

Providing a COVID-19-safe workplace for your team  

Preserve social distancing with the desk booking feature included in the ClearBench® app.

As a manager, you can either import the floor plan of your department or simply add desks to a blank floor plan. This enables you to control capacity and social distancing and provides a clear contact tracing history.

Your team members will then be able to book desks, even conference rooms, when they plan on working at the office, making it easier to schedule proper hygiene and sanitation measures. 

Workspace Management

Workspace Management Key Features

Fast and easy desk reservation

Fast and easy desk reservation

Restrict desk access

Restrict desk access

Closed desks or spaces

Closed desks or spaces

Multiple-day booking

Multiple-day booking

Unlimited departments /locations

Unlimited departments /locations

Contact tracing

Contact tracing

Easy office configuration

Easy office configuration

Import floor plan, or create from scratch

Import floor plan, or create from scratch

And much more

And much more

Make health and safety a priority

Have your team members complete a health screening questionnaire before they go to the office. 

You can use the default questions in the ClearBench platform®, or create some of your own. Make health and safety measures top of mind to help combat the spread of infection.


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